Provider directory
Provider directory It is profile which shows the healthcare provider information in a directory structure on the healthcare payer’s website. Information like providers name, specialty, servicing address, phone and fax…
Provider directory It is profile which shows the healthcare provider information in a directory structure on the healthcare payer’s website. Information like providers name, specialty, servicing address, phone and fax…
WOL (Waiver of Liability) A medical liability waiver is an advance written notice to the beneficiary used by medical professionals when the services being provided are found not to be…
Clearing House What is Clearing House? In medical billing, companies that function as intermediaries who forward medical claims information from healthcare providers to insurance payers are known as clearinghouses. In…
Difference between Copay, Co-Insurance and Deductible Copay- A predetermined rate the patient pays for health care services at the time of care. Copay are due at the time the patient…
Difference between Claim Rejections and denials Insurance claim denials and rejections are one of the biggest obstacles affecting healthcare reimbursements. A claim rejection occurs prior to claim processing and is…
Electronically Fund Transfer vs Paper Check Because checks are paper documents, there are more steps in completing a check-based transaction. Unlike currency, checks are not money, but are legal instruments…