Medical Billing Audit Analysis
A complete audit of the practice data for the current and previous year to determine the key performance indicators.
Eight point analysis
- Charges analysis
- Active providers list of the practice
- Active facilities list of the practice
- Progress note incomplete report
- Monthly average patient visit count
- Delayed charge submission analysis
- Claim submission analysis
- Claim rejection analysis
- Pending claims analysis to identify the unbilled claims
- Last three months claim batches analysis
- Payment analysis
- Past three years charges and payment comparison
- Past three years individual providers charges and payment comparison
- Past three years collection percentage comparison
- Past three years average charges and payment
- CPT units and payment analysis
- Past two years adjustment breakups
- Fee schedule analysis
- Monthly charges and payment analysis
- Insurance payment analysis
- Graphical payer mix summary
- Charges and payment comparison grouped by facility
- ERA/EFT status report
- Paid to practice address verification
- Underpaid and negative claims analysis
- Denial management
- Missed follow up claims report
- Detail denial report
- AR analysis
- Overall insurance AR aging analysis
- AR report grouped by insurance
- AR report grouped by primary and secondary insurance
- Patient statement
- Patient AR aging report
- Patient statement analysis
- Credit balance numbers
- Return to sender statement analysis
- Negative balance claims list
- Charges analysis
Identify revenue leakages outlined below
- Incomplete medical records (unsigned, undated, missed CPT, missed diagnosis code, etc.)
- Unbilled claims
- Unresolved payer rejections
- Missed claim batches (Claims are not received by the payers)
- Timely filing denials
- Claims are paid with full charged amount
- Payments never received from specific payers
- Payments never received for particular services
- ERA/EFT are not activated
- Incorrect practice address with payers
- Improper denial management
- No proper followup
- Less number of clean claims
- Sent patient statement with incorrect balance
- Incorrect patient address in the practice records
- Out of network denials
- Fee schedule not setup
- Payers are downcoded the billed CPTs
- Increase the practice revenue from 10 to 15%
- Increase the clean claims ratio to 95%
- Improve proper clinical documentation
- Identify inaccurate, incomplete, and inappropriate billing
- Improve denial management and claims follow up
- Pinpoint the revenue leakage
- Provider’s network participation status
- Identify not activated ERA & EFT
Here is the predefined plan of action to stop the revenue leakage
- 96% of claims paid in first 20 days
- Denied claims are followed up in 24 hrs
- Increase denial prevention not denial management
- Clearing house & insurance rejections are followed up in 24 hrs
- Charges & ERAs posted in 8 hours
- Claims are submitted to the payers in 24 hrs
- Appeal denied claims to reverse the payer decision
- Insurance claims follow up starts from the 10th day from the claim submission date
- Weekly and daily report to identify the revenue leakage
ABC needs full PMS access to complete the audit analysis. The audit analysis pricing starts from $800 to $2,500 depending upon the practice volume and requirements